D123 (DOCSIS 1.0 to DOCSIS 3.0 Migration)

When nbn intended to launch their services, utilizing the existing and expanded Telstra HFC network, it was necessary for the network to operate in a “dual use” period. In this period of time, available radio spectrum would be shared by Telstra, Foxtel and nbn. Whilst significant forward path spectrum was available, the return path was somewhat congested. Telstra operated a DOCSIS 1.0 network and also a DOCSIS 3.0 network, with their customers split approximately half and half. So as to provide nbn with sufficient radio spectrum to launch their new services, it was necessary to free up enough return path radio spectrum. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to decommission the Telstra DOCSIS 1.0 service. To do this, Telstra engaged TPS to construct significant DOCSIS 3.0 new capacity, so DOCSIS 1.0 customers could be first migrated to the DOCSIS 3.0 platform, enabling a shut-down of the DOCSIS 1.0 platform, yielding the requisite radio spectrum to enable nbn to launch services.

Traditionally, when Telstra/TPS constructed DOCSIS 3.0 capacity, we utilized Cisco 10K uBR’s (aka CMTS’s). Whilst for the D123 program, we did take advantage of all free Cisco capacity, additional CMTS’s deployed were Arris branded E6000 CER’s (Converged Edge Routers). At the time, it was felt that this would be a better selection as once finally decommissioned, they could be used as spares to support the E6000’s that would be deployed by nbn.
As part of the D123 initiative, TPS constructed, shipped, installed and commissioned 156 new equipment racks. These racks were comprised of;
28 x DFT (DWDM Forward Transmitter Racks),
39 x DRR (DWDM Return Recover Racks),
23 x RSR (Return path Splitter Racks),
23 x TCM (Test and Communications Racks),
31 x CMT (Arris E6000 CMTS rack),
6 x CMT (Cisco 10K CMTS Racks),
6 x RFG (Cisco Radio Frequency Gateway Rack).
Prior to deployment of the Arris E6000 CMTS’S in Telstra networks, it was necessary for Telstra to conduct a trial deployment to test compatibility, alarming, service assurance, etc. TPS constructed and deployed equipment to support the trial deployment in the production environment. Deployment for the program was rapid, TPS managed all material logistics, rack construction, cable set manufacturing, site delivery, site installation and end-end commissioning. In addition to deployment of the CMTS and transmission equipment at the EAP’s, TPS also augmented ~285+ exchanges with new transmission hardware and reconfigured all RF combining to allow for sufficient new DOCSIS 3.0 capacity to be delivered to the distribution network.
The project was successfully delivered on time and on budget. Subsequent to the D123 program, TPS were further engaged to construct, installed and commission further DOCSIS 3.0 capacity to manage the growth in customer traffic. This subsequent program involved a further ~25+ racks and involved the augmentation of ~100+ RF combiner sites located in metro telephone exchanges, nationally.