Department of Sustainable Energy – Victorian
Government Generator Refurbishment

During 2009, a devastating series of separate bushfires in Victoria merged fronts which resulted in significant destruction to many areas in Victoria including Kinglake, Kilmore and Murrindindi (to mention only a small few of the affected areas).
As a result of these bushfires, the Victorian government decided to investigate the readiness of the various emergency services and specifically their ability to respond to similar disasters in the future. One key element of the devastation was that it was identified that many rural and regional emergency services organizations lacked sufficient emergency power generation capabilities. As part of the initiative, TPS were engaged to visit and survey selected regional CFA, Ambulance and firefighting depots around regional Victoria, identify existing power backup facilities and make recommendations on any requisite upgrades. During the performance of these works, we discovered that many of the regional offices had aging, poor and often inconsistent infrastructure used to provide backup power during a catastrophic event (a time when the grid rarely supplies energy).

By performing the site audits, the Victorian government were able to target investment where it was needed most, providing for efficient investment, providing a greater level of overall reliability for EMS workers. Today, quality emergency power generation capabilities are provided to emergency service locations on an equal basis, irrespective of their location without our vast state.