FTTP (Fibre to the Premises) Video Overlay
and NMS Architecture

Telstra constructed a FTTP network which was available anywhere in Australia and was marketed as Telstra Velocity (think south Brisbane exchange exit). Unlike some competing FTTP networks, Telstra offered a FTA Television and optional PayTV video overlay service.
To achieve this outcome, TPS were engaged to establish Video head ends in each television zone, nationally. TPS worked with Telstra to engineer, develop, prototype and then deploy the solution which would trans modulate FTA television derived from satellite dish and terrestrial television antennas which were installed at key telephone exchanges. At the time of deployment, it was felt that a suitable place for the NMS (Network Monitoring and Control) equipment and communication source would also be the head ends we had deployed.
As such, each time an additional new development or estate was connected to the network, TPS would augment and configure the headend and VOLT distribution exchanges, providing clear video to end users, negating the requirement for them to establish slightly antennas on the roofs of their homes.
Much of the work was performed in semi-regional and sometimes remote communities across Western Australia, Queensland and New South Wales, requiring that TPS performed complicated logistics movements and were capable of rapidly mobilizing key staff into sometimes difficult to access work locations.

When augmenting an existing network site, it was imperative that the appropriate components were provided to staff and accurate configuration instructions were provided by our designers, as the opportunity to supply additional information or parts to many regional and rural locations would have been difficult to quickly overcome. As such, TPS provided staff with clear work instructions to follow and site specific design information.