HFC Network characterization Study
– Optus network

When nbn adjusted their deployment model to include alternate technologies under the MTM (Multi Technology Mix) approach, they had initially intended to make-use of the two major existing HFC networks in Australia, one owned by Optus and the other by Telstra. TPS were engaged directly by nbn to develop, plan and execute a network characterization study on the Optus network in Redcliff, Queensland.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the performance of the as-is network in their hub site, node site and distribution networks. TPS developed a plan to test and monitor performance at key locations in the network so as to understand what happened to the quality of the information transmitted as it traversed the various elements. Once TPS had survey all of the chosen physical elements, the captured data was analyzed and interpreted. This provided a position of the network as-is, where-is, however we still needed to understand if it was capable of transporting nbn services and if so, what if any upgrades would be required. After our report was provided to nbn, we assisted with the development of a trial deployment on the network in Redcliff, Queensland. After the trial was conducted, nbn chose not to use the remainder of the Optus network, but instead chose to utilize large segments of the Telstra networks in places where it made sense for them to do so.
Ultimately, the characterization study was of benefit to nbn as it guided their technical and commercial direction with regard to utilization of existing network assets that they may have chosen to adopt.