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Network Assurance Services

Network assurance services

Constructing, installing, commissioning, and integrating networks is a major activity for TPS. However, we are also specialists at assisting our clients to operate networks. A large part of operating a network involves assurance works. Assurance works fall into two primary categories. Proactive assurance and reactive assurance.


When performing proactive maintenance, the network is online and providing service, but we catch problems before they become service impacting. TPS have perform proactive maintenance programs including.

  • HFC Networks, RF Leakage (egress), survey, root cause analysis and repair.
  • HFC Networks, RF return path noise (ingress, common mode, distortion) identification, root cause analysis and rectification,
  • HFC proactive amplifier replacement works,
  • Information technology, server upgrades, storage upgrades and transport upgrades,
  • Digital video networks, transport and transcoder lifecycle upgrades,
  • Data centers, battery lifecycle monitoring and replacement, generator heat bank load testing and deglazing,
  • HFC networks, optical node lifecycle replacement and upgrades,
  • Electrical networks, cable inspection and testing,
  • CPAS, monitoring high air flow rates in pressurized cables and identifying degradation,


When we think of reactive, we typically think of “break and fix” type services. A fault is identified, root cause analysis is performed, and the cause is identified. Once the cause is identified, it is repaired, and service is restored. When reacting to faults, timeliness is typically of great importance. TPS are experienced in performing root cause analysis, saving “field time”, needed to identify cause. We are also experienced in prioritizing importance of repairs by understanding and categorizing faults. TPS have provided reactive 24/7 maintenance services to the telecommunications, electrical and Information Technology sectors.

Upon engaging, TPS program managers and technical specialist work with our clients to develop an engagement framework, define a series of KPI’s and categorizations which fit your requirements, expectations and budget.

21 Pickering Rd Mulgrave VIC 3170
+61 (03) 9545 1266
+61 (03) 9545 1288

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