TEBA (Telstra Exchange Building

TPS are nationally accredited and experienced at providing installation, augmentation and commissioning services for other telecommunications carries in Telstra’s buildings and telecommunications networks.
Duct Access
TPS are certified to and have experience in “duct access” works, enabling conduits to be roped, rodded and to allow for cables to be hauled through Telstra duct networks. We have experience at planning cable hauls, pathways, device placement, etc. Experience shows that good planning can avoid additional expenditure required to establish new pits, new manholes and new conduits. By planning from the beginning, in conjunction with site survey works, alternate, more efficient pathways can be chosen, reducing your CAPEX spend.
Typically, when hauling for other carriers we usually find that fibre optic cables are required to be installed. These cables are delicate, so we typically haul by hand in preference to a capstan wheel. Also we have great experience in hauling hard-line coaxial cable.

TPS also have experience in working within Telstra’s underground tunnel networks across Sydney and Melbourne. This “special” space requires the application of stringent and complicated controls and specialized staff.

Exchange Installation
TPS are experienced at installation of equipment racks for other carriers. We identify any hazards (ACM, obstructions, etc), install secondary power cables and establish rack earths. Often, we will also need to establish additional superstructure CNI (Common Network Infrastructure). TPS have experience installing superstructure kits, coordinating for HVAC augmentation, establishing new primary and secondary power systems and augmenting existing ones. Essentially, TPS provides a “one stop shop” for all exchange installation works.
Contact us today and ask how we can help you with any TEBA requirements you may have.